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Booked out!

Our Expo-Space for 2023 is booked out – all tables are gone!

Our new Location offers vendor-space in lockable rooms for the expo on the 1st floor (elevator is available). Another advantage is that we can now rent the rooms for a “set-up day” on Thursday, so there is the possibility of booking the booths for Thursday (can be booked on Status Page after initial Registration and booking).

What’s new:

    • The booking is now made “per table”, so instead of booking a small booth (1 table), medium-sized booth (2 tables) or large booth (3 tables), you can now also book up to 6 tables as a variable booth. A table is about 140x60cm and we plan around 120cm behind the table as space – the floor space per table is therefore about 140x180cm and can also be used without a table or with something of your own. The price per table includes drinks/food and access to the expo and after show party for one person. If more stand personnel come than tables are booked, additional packages can be booked for your own employees. If fewer employees come than tables are booked, no partial reimbursement or similar can be made for organizational reasons.

    • Thursday can also be booked as a set-up day from 10 a.m., regardless of whether you already want to set up or just want to use your space as a storeroom.

    • As announced last year, the printed program magazine has been discontinued. All information can only be found online.

    • There will be an almost 90 square meter expo room with 13-16 tables and 3 smaller 30 square meter rooms with 6 tables each. The tables / rooms will be allocated at the end of April according to the “first come, first served” principle in the order in which sponsoring were booked.

The expo set-up starts on Friday at 9 a.m. If you want to deliver, store or set up beforehand, you can book Thursday as well.

For participants, the conference starts on Thursday, the expo then starts on Friday at 1 p.m. (presentations on Friday start at 9 a.m., the first big break is from 12:30 p.m. until 2 p.m.).

Expo Times:
Thu. 10am : Expo floors can be booked for setup/storage
Thu. 7:30pm : Expo floors are locked for the night
Fri. 9:00am : Expo floors available for setup
Fri. 1:00pm : Expo opens for attendees
Fri. 7:30pm : Expo closes
Sat. 8:30am : Expo floors open for vendors
Sat. 10:00am : Expo opens for attendees
Sat. 7:30pm : Expo closes
Sun. 8:30am : Expo floors open for vendors
Sun. 10:00am : Expo opens for attendees
Sun. 6:30pm : Expo closes
Sun. 8:00pm : Event ends
Sun. 10:00pm : Venue closes

Sponsoring per Table: 450 € (+19% vat = 535,50 €)

    • ~2,5 square meters booth at the expo

    • Link on our Website

    • Contribution to raffle (optional) – 1 person food and drinks all day Fri.-Sun. Included

2 Tables and more:

    • Supplements in attendees bags (print advertising and / or product samples in coordination with BMXnet) (optional)

    • The supplements must be sent in the week before the conference, to BMXnet.

3 Tables and more:

    • Logo and Link on our Website & Newsletters

Extra Day Setup/Storage Thu. per Table: 90 € (+19% vat = 107,10 €)

    • Setup day can only be booked after booth is paid (in a second step)