Bruno BMA Valsecchi

  • 1994 Opens the first Ghirigori Family body adornment studio in Oggiono ( Lc ) Italy.
  • 1994 Starts working as a Body Piercer freelance mainly in Arezzo, Bologna, Brescia, Crema, Cremona, Firenze, Padova, Sondrio, Trento, Trieste.
  • 1994/97 Cooperates as a professional body piercer at Cold Steel body piercing studio in London.
  • 1997 Begins attending APP Conferences around the world ( London, Amsterdam, Las Vegas )
  • 1997 Starts practicing body modifications
  • 1998 Cooperates with Tusk body piercing studio in London.
  • 2000 Opens the new Ghirigori Family body adornment studio.
  • 2001 Begins designing body jewelry and body modification tools for italian and foreigner companies.
  • 2002 Starts working as a consultant on body piercing and body modifications for major national body art magazines ( Pierced, Tattoo Life, Tattoo Italia ).
  • 2003 Attends and passes the regional health course for body piercing operators.
  • 2003 Co-founded the APTPI ( 1° Italian Association of Professional Piercers and Tattooists ).
  • 2003 One of the organizer of the APTPI International Educational Congresses.
  • 2003 As APTPI board member, work as a consultant for goverment, public and private health department.
  • 2003 Opens the 2° Ghirigori Family body adornment studio in Dubino ( So ) Italy.
  • 2003 Starts promoting the Body Art Cultur by organizing educational events, seminars, art expositions and art shows.
  • 2003 Starts the Italian Suscons, ( seminars on body suspensions ).
  • 2003/2011 Develops few differente Body Mod procedures like: Ear micro silicon implants, Conches removal, Advanced scalpel piercing technique, ecc ecc
  • 2005 Begins working as a body modifier freelance in Italy, Croatia, Japan, Norway, Slovenia, USA, Russia, and all around the world.
  • 2005/2011 experinces Body Mod Fusion with: Brian Decker ( Precision Body Art , New York-USA ), Christiane Lofblad ( Pin Point Body Piercing , Oslo-Norway ), Howie ( Luna Cobra, USA-Australia ), Steve Haworth ( father of moder body modification art , Phoenix-USA )
  • 2011 Works hard to keep all on!

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